ECT2 Selected for Treatment of PFAS

ECT2 has announced its participation in a new prototype project funded by the USA’s Department of Defense (DoD)’s Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) to design, build and operate a regenerable anion exchange resin system to treat per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater at the former Naval Air Station Joint Base (NAS JRB) Willow Grove. The project is in partnership with the DoD’s ESTCP, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy and the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU).

With more than seven years of experience treating PFAS-impacted water, ECT2 was one of three companies selected to perform water source remediation work at NAS JRB Willow Grove. ECT2 designed its prototype project to demonstrate the efficacy and flexibility of regenerable anion exchange resin to treat a range of long-and-short-chain PFAS. Treatment targets include the proposed drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) set by the US EPA, as well as the proposed US EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) targeting short-chain compounds like PFBA and PFHxA.

“This ESTCP/DIU project helps to realize a key goal for the Department of Defense by implementing effective, full-scale treatment approaches to PFAS that in some cases the DoD has funded from inception through the SERDP and ESTCP research and demonstration programs. ESTCP/DIU’s demonstration approach will offer an important technical vetting and economic comparison of multiple technology pairings. ECT2 is proud to help advance the DoD’s remediation goals through this program.” said Dr. Erika Houtz, ECT2’s principal investigator on the project.

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Categories: Chemicals Laboratory Services Tires & Tubes Water Management Water Treatment Chemicals Water Treatment Services 

2024-02-05 | ETC2 | United States | Views 464

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