Matrix - Cottonwood Creek Makeover

The City of Colorado Springs recently completed construction on Phase 1 of the Cottonwood Creek Channel Improvements. Matrix provided design engineering services for a natural, stabilized channel within a highly unstable riparian corridor. Prior to the restoration, the drainage way was actively eroding and threatened adjacent infrastructure such as powerlines, roadways, and underground utilities.

Matrix’s completed design work included channel realignment, re-establishment of a riffle-pool complex along the stream, and creation of a stable slope by proposing 23 large drop structures and 11 cross vanes. Channel cross section dimensions of the project were also established to safely convey flood flows while also maintaining sediment transport capacity for smaller, more frequent channel forming flows.

As a major project for the City of Colorado Springs, the construction has already successfully conveyed record-breaking flooding in the summer of 2023 without any major damage. Matrix will continue to support the City with construction of Phase 2 in 2025.

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Categories: Consultants Contractors Engineers Transportation Services & Equipment 

2024-04-16 | MATRIX Design Group | United States | Views 401