Dassault Launch Media Campaign in Piccadilly Circus

Dassault Systèmes has launched a digital out-of-home media campaign inviting three million people in London to see and understand how virtual worlds are impacting real life in areas such as health, cities and manufacturing.

Every 10 minutes, an exclusive, 40-second immersive video using a 3D effect will project viewers into an experience featuring 3D animations that transition from the world’s first fully functional model of a human heart to humans and robots working together to make products from upcycled parts, to futuristic aircraft in cities, to a pod for growing plants in any environment

Furthermore, the general public will be invited to delve deeper into the experience through an augmented reality application on their smartphones. By using the app, they can discover how Piccadilly Circus could look in a more sustainable future, as well as share their experience on social media and read more about virtual worlds.

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Categories: Consultants Geologist Services 

2024-06-12 | Dassault Systèmes | France | Views 333

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