Volvo Penta Industrial - Hannes Norrgren appointed President

Hannes Norrgren has been appointed President of Volvo Penta's Industrial Business Unit and a member of the company's Executive Management Group. He will take up the position of President of Volvo Penta's Industrial Business Unit as of November 1st, replacing Giorgio Paris who will retire after a successful 25-year career at the company.

Hannes has worked within the industry for more than 20 years. He has a long track record at Volvo Penta, having previously held various positions including Vice President for Industrial Sales and Marketing in Europe. For the past three years, Hannes has served as CEO at Humphree, a fast-growing Swedish marine technology provider of which Volvo Penta is the major shareholder.

“I am delighted that Hannes is returning to the Volvo Penta team,” says Heléne Mellquist, President of Volvo Penta. “He brings extensive knowledge about building business relationships with customers which, in combination with a strong commercial focus and mindset, will be key in leading the Industrial Business Unit on our transformation journey.”

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Categories: Engines Engines Generators 

2022-08-30 | Volvo Penta | Sweden | Views 1023

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